AREC Online Director is a live production and streaming solution for AREC LS and KL Series Media Stations via Software, Web Browser, and Touch-Friendly Graphical User Interface, which allows users to create a live video quickly and efficiently from a convenient device of their choosing, such as a laptop, desktop computer, touchscreen and more.
Designed to be used exclusively with AREC LS and KL Series Media Stations, AREC Online Director allows users to be in control of their recording/streaming via built-in touch-friendly Online Director GUI (Graphical User Interface), web-based Online Director, and workable with SW-based version. AREC Online Director makes users easily switch/mix between sources, add or remove backgrounds/overlays, and change layouts/themes.
Coming with AREC Media Stations and AREC MediaCenter, users can store, edit and manage your recording videos in a central video library after automatic uploading from AREC Media Stations.